Stand-up Comedy: The Best Medicine for a Bad Day

The modern world we inhabit is full of stress, surprises, and issues that often make us wish we could just forget all our troubles and relax for a while. Advances in technology and communications have created a world far different than the one our ancestors lived in, leading to higher stress and all of the various health concerns that come with it. However, studies show that one of the best ways to relieve stress is laughter, and that’s where stand-up comedy comes into the picture. 

Give Me a Reason to Laugh

While statistics can vary, it’s a well-established and troubling psychological fact that somewhere between 50-70% of Americans feel stress that impacts their quality of life on a day-to-day basis. The constant communication of the modern world, expectations to always be available, long commutes and traffic, and being exposed to much more negative information than ever before have wreaked havoc on people’s mental and physical health.

That’s why it’s so important to actively and consciously seek activities that can reduce this stress level, help us forget about our worries, and give us a better biochemical balance in our brains. Living in this active manner to conspicuously practice self-care and hobbies we enjoy can bring a much better work-life balance and will bring demonstrable improvements to our overall health. So, let’s look at some of the best reasons why joining a stand-up comedy club is an excellent idea for our mental health, physical health, and spiritual health.

Top Three Benefits of Stand-up Comedy

Benefit #1: You Will Meet People

Along with the stressors of modern life comes an unnatural and stifling atomization of society, in which we all become inescapably trapped in our own little bubbles. It’s easy to get caught up in the trap of simply going to work and going home, with precious little time to meet people, form connections, and make friends. 

That’s why it’s important to actively make an effort to meet people. Hobbies and clubs are great ways to do this, and a comedy club combines the best aspects of each. You’ll immediately have shared experiences to bond over, and a fun atmosphere helps people let their guard down and creates a conducive mood for meeting people and forming connections.  

Benefit #2: You’ll Get Out of Your Comfort Zone

When you’re having a bad day, sometimes a change in your usual routine can make all the difference. Comedy helps you mix things up, do something different, and broaden your horizons. You’ll be exposed to different ideas and outlooks on life, and meet people who can expose you to a wider variety of philosophies and ideas.

In fact, stand-up comedy is a branch of philosophy all on its own. Underneath the veneer of simple jokes and laughter lies a much deeper substratum of ideas and concepts that can help you come to terms with life and figure out who you truly are. Sometimes, getting out of your comfort zone is all the medicine you need to shake off a bad day and start anew.

Benefit #3: The Physiological Benefits of Laughter

While these previous two socio-emotional reasons are, in and of themselves, powerful ways to improve your overall well-being, there are actually tangible, demonstrable health benefits to laughter. Surprisingly, research by doctors through scientific studies have shown that laughter may be, literally, “the best medicine”. Some of these provable benefits are:

  • Increased oxygen intake, which stimulates organs.

  • More endorphins and other positive neurotransmitters are released.

  • Activation and release of your stress response, which gives you a relaxed feeling.

  • Better blood flow and muscle relaxation.

  • Neuropeptides are released that stimulate your immune system.

Along with these physical benefits, laughter improves self-esteem and can help us forget about any pain bothering us, both emotional and physical. Even just forcing yourself to smile can cause your brain to begin releasing the chemicals that make us feel good.  

Turning a Frown Upside-down

So, if you’ve been feeling stressed, unhappy, or in pain lately, go ahead and give it a try. Simply force yourself to smile, and you will notice a slight improvement. While it may be difficult, depending on what you are going through, doctors and psychologists unanimously agree that laughter and a more positive outlook on life will improve any condition and situation.

This is understood in many cultures across the globe. While even Western medicine recognizes the tangible benefits of laughter, there are also more spiritual cultures worldwide that utilize the many benefits it brings as well. For example, laughter yoga is a popular practice where people simply get together, stretch, practice their breathing, and laugh for no reason at all.  

Those who partake in this particular form of therapy have noticed improvements in depression, anxiety, and even serious illnesses like cancer. These benefits are real, and you can enjoy them as well. Take the first step and find a stand-up comedy club near you today and get started on your journey to totally holistic mental and physical health!


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